
Small Changes Equal Big Results, How The 2% Succeed Online

The answer may not be as complicated as you think.

Its not flashy web design, it’s not high priced, pay per click, or even your outstanding SEO skills …… it’s definitely not luck …

Yes, you need (at least), a basic understanding of business, but the fact remains, people are motivated to buy and like to buy, in definite ways, whatever the product.

High traffic volume is important to success online. The more visitors you have to your site, the more opportunities to make a sale…nothing new there!

But equally important, if not more so, is an understanding of how people like to buy, and why we’re on the internet in the first place.

In the online world, nobody just happens by your store! Surfers on the net are not looking for you or your business… they’re occupied in opinion forming, and decision making, and to help them reach this goal, they need one thing above all others! – have you guessed it? Yep… information or rather, relevant Information…ether it’s from you or it’s from somebody else…but the whole quest is about …getting the I-n-f-o-r-m-a-t-i-o-n!

Providing this high value relevant information or content puts you ahead in the game, and should be your primary intent. In short, stop selling…and start informing. Produce confidence in your offer by … PRE –selling with content….

So many small businesses fail to thrive, simply because they prepare websites to sell and collect money, long before they’ve provided what the visitor really wants... which off course is…Information that provides solutions. It’s the old adage, Fist you give then you receive, first you sow then you reap…

The point is we really don’t like being sold stuff… but we do like to buy, particularly when we feel the idea’s our own, based on information we’ve uncovered while out searching! Small difference… Big reward(s)!

The 2%, succeed by building targeted, interested traffic, first, (by providing high value content that visitors are already searching for, and that Search Engines love).

Then PREselling or warming up those visitors with excellent theme-based content related to the product or service, by so doing, building trust and an "open-to-buy" mindset. Only then... do they introduce benefit-focused sales copy to convert "PREsold" visitors into enthusiastic customers.

Join the 2%! PREsell, with information-packed content, and then sell with benefit-focused sales copy… Learn more, grab yourself a free 48 page e-copy of The Simple Art of e-Persuasion by Ken Evoy at the info link below.