To achieve a high degree of success with article marketing, you need to put in sustained work. Quality and quantity are equally important when you are considering article promotion. Article marketing tips discussed here are specifically tuned to help you on the expressway to profits.
1. Make the reader sit upright
You have crossed the first hurdle when the search engine has shown your article to the reader. What next? The opening lines should convey the confidence that you are going to provide the solution that the reader is looking for. If you fail here, the reader will quickly reach for the 'back' button. Article marketing can yield benefits only when you integrate them into your working.
2. An article is not a story board
You can communicate through personal experiences or anecdotes. The trouble however, is that it requires even greater skills to align your message for the reader's attention. Stories generally take longer time to reach the point. You get well under a minute to hold your reader and lead him further down the article. If he doesn't reach your resource box, any amount of article marketing tips cannot help you.
3. Verify the facts