
how to increase customer satisfaction

Satisfaction is a condition that is expected to consumers and companies. But how to increase customer satisfaction? In fact how many of the companies to understand the behavior of consumers, especially to create and improve customer satisfaction this. To simplify Schnaars group in various ways into the four following groups:

1. Build a good relationship with the customer (with customer relationship building).
2. Superior service to consumers (superior customer service).
3. Warranty absolute (unconditional guarantee).
4. Handling customer complaints effectively (holding efficient complain).

1. Building Better Relationships with Consumers
Customer satisfaction strategy can be formed through relationships with both consumers in the long term so that they can increase consumer loyalty. A closer relationship with the customer when combined with high quality products and services that can be used to quickly obtain the benefits of competing.

2. Service Excellence in the Consumer
Customer satisfaction strategy is almost the same level of services that provide higher than competitors. Companies that offer a better service usually charge a higher price for their products. Companies that provide a higher market share tend to have larger and grow faster than competitors to provide services that low.

3. Absolute guarantee that
The existence of a warranty is an opportunity to create customer satisfaction. Warranty reduce the risk on the purchase of consumer and state implies that the product quality is high. Warranty is designed to produce some good akan profit consumer loyalty that will ultimately make a purchase back. This will also create the news from mouth to mouth (word by mouth) is positive on the new consumer.

4. Handling of Consumer Complaints Effective
Handling consumer complaints offer an opportunity to change the consumer becomes dissatisfied satisfied any of the products the company quickly.