
Tips to Control EMOTION

Negative emotions are God's warning that we change the perception (point of view) and procedures (actions or behaviors).Did that change our lives? Action. Is the mother of all the action? Decision. Are all decisions followed by actions? NOT. The decision followed by action is the decision taken in the right emotional atmosphere. Can we put ourselves in the right emotional atmosphere? Is not the emotions are beyond our control? Emotions are not knee-jerk response on the incident or the person's action against us?We can put ourselves in the right emotional atmosphere, anytime and anywhere we want. Emotions are entirely within our control.First, change the perception. God's servants follow conjecture. If prejudiced good servant, Allah will treat him well too, otherwise that slave prejudice, then God would treat her badly in accordance with prejudiced. In psychology, met expectations with a self-fulfilling sendirinyadisebut propechy. we should focus on the things that will membuagt we celebrate God's gift.Second, we optimize the body's physiology. body condition greatly affects the emotions. Good posture (body upright sitting position and standing, shoulders parallel to the floor) will affect the physiology of the body so that the effect on our emotions.Third, set and achieve worthwhile goals. If we are busy setting and achieving worthwhile goals, there will be no time left to envy, riya, and experienced a number of other negative emotions.Fourth, use emotional relief. When we get angry, say astaghrifullah haladzim. When we are sad and feel lost, say inna inna lillahi Ilaihi raajiun. when happy, Alhamdulillah. when in awe, say Subhanallah. when scared, say Allah akbar. when panic, say laa hawlaa walaa quwwata illa billah.

may be useful...: )